Monday, April 23, 2007

Global Day for Darfur Candlelight Vigil - Sunday April 29, 2007

To help urge U.S. response to the Darfur genocide (over 0.4 Million killed, 2.5 Million displaced) The Hawaii Coalition for Darfur will be hosting a Candlelight Vigil and concert at the State Capitol grounds on Sunday, April 29, 2007 from 7pm-9pm.

The Vigil and Concert will try to to raise awareness, call local citizens to action and call on local, national and international law makers to take more action to restore peace in Darfur. Speakers will include; Mark Hanis, Executive Director of the Genocide Intervention Network, Father Marc Alexander of the Hawaii Catholic Diocese, and Kelly Rosati, Executive Director of the Hawaii Family Forum and Director of the Hawaii Catholic Conference. Pre- and post- vigil music will be provided by the energetic Johnny Shot band. To tone things down for our vigil portion, the beautiful tones of Leo Nani will fill the air as we snap our glow sticks and bear witness to the victims of Darfur. The vigil will use 2 colors of glow sticks to symbolize advocacy of a hybrid peacekeeping mission in Darfur. This event will advocate for the passing of Hawaii's divestment legislation HB34.

Please RSVP Leanne at so we know how many glow sticks we need.

If you'd like to get involved here in Hawaii, please email Leanne at and/or visit their website at